Occupiers break their own equipment in order not to fight against Ukrainian defenders

Russian occupiers are breaking their own equipment in order not to fight against Ukrainian defenders.

This is evidenced by new telephone calls of invaders intercepted by the SSU.

‘We have one tank left in the regiment. So, we ourselves broke our tank in the morning not to go [to battle]. The APCs went without us, and there were three killed and quite many wounded, in serious condition,’ an occupier tells his father.

He asks if this means that they have nothing to fight with. Hearing an affirmative answer from his son, the father is clearly satisfied. As the young invader explained, out of 10 tanks at the beginning of the war, only one remained in his unit. And they deliberately broke the last one.

‘Well, thank God! Disassemble it, sell it for scrap metal, you’ll be safer,’ the father advises.

And rightly so. After all, according to the latest data, Ukrainian defenders have destroyed over a thousand of enemy tanks. And they will not stop until they clear our land from invaders!