FSB starts to ‘protect’ Russian military looters

They seize expensive goods looted in Ukraine and instead promise not to prosecute.

This is evidenced by new telephone conversations of Russian invaders intercepted by the SSU.

‘I’m not gonna take anything out… We had 63 iPhones: 13, Pro Max, 512 GB… We would have so much money!’ the occupier tells his wife.

‘And what did you do with all of that?’ the wife asks in surprise.

‘FSB took everything! FSB guys,’ the ‘soldier’ replies in disappointment.

Probably, after Western brands massively left Russian market, the FSB received a new strategic task of ‘import substitution’. At least, for their leadership…

Well, that’s a huge change in the functionality of the enemy’s special service… But we remind the looters from Lubyanka that they will have to return the stolen or compensate damages.

Glory to Ukraine!