Russians continue to grossly violate international rules for treatment of prisoners of war

Torture of Ukrainian men and women is becoming massive and is carried out even on the territory of russian federation, where they try to ‘beat information out of them.’

This is evidenced by a telephone conversation between a Russian occupier, currently in Ukraine, and his acquaintance, an employee of Russian special services.

‘Two were caught. We try to crack them - nothing. We take one to the forest and interrogate the other one. We shoot as if we killed him. He didn’t say a f**king thing! OK, then… We put his leg under the wheel and drove – didn’t say a f**king thing!’ the occupier says surprised by the strength of spirit of Ukrainians.

His interlocutor calls the torture of Ukrainian military a ‘reception’.

‘Your ‘uncle’ comes to us from time to time, he came for the first ‘reception’. He said: ‘Show no mercy! They went to kill.’ …Guys go on ‘sick leaves’ after ‘receptions’ with broken legs and arms… Well, it’s fun, it’s fun there,’ the Russian torturer admits.

Hopefully, she won’t be so joyful when she talks about everything at the international tribunal.