Ruscists brag about shelling villages and torturing captives

The SSU has received new evidence of atrocities committed by occupiers in Kharkiv region.

They boast about torturing Ukrainian military and shelling peaceful settlements.

This is evidenced by new calls intercepted by the SSU.

‘We took two prisoners. Cut off an ear - he did not want to speak. Anyway, it’s fine - it could have been a bullet to the head or we could have drawn and quartered him with an APC. We could just put him and empty 100 rounds in him, the whole box of ammo for a machine gun, make a colander of him. Well, at most, we could have cut off his fingers,’ an occupier, who just the other day was trying to advance in Kharkiv region, tells his father.

He enthusiastically says that the occupiers shelled a peaceful village in Kharkiv region from artillery and looted food: ‘The guys did some reconnaissance and brought sausages, mayonnaise, lard… Walked around some houses… what’s the point for them to try and do something, we have guns, a tank. If anyone objects - minus a home and live as you wish.

Such inhuman actions do not enrage his dad – he’s glad he brought up such an executioner, who at any moment can get a place in a refrigerator with ‘cargo 200’ [killed soldiers].