SSU: Russian occupiers keep ‘hitting bottom’ every day

There is so much evidence of degradation and atrocities of ruscists in the conversations intercepted by the SSU that we have prepared a selection of them.

One of the invaders and his wife are enjoying a ‘safari’ for children in Mariupol, where Kadyrovites run after a Ukrainian girl and shoot her in the legs - for fun.

He further brags about the trophies seized near Kyiv: ‘…we’ve f**king got cars for ourselves. Got ourselves rifles and carbines.’

Another occupier calmly tells his father that they eat Ukrainian dogs (and this is not the alabai from previous interceptions). He says that the food situation is fine: ‘…we butchered a dog and ate it’, because ‘we’ve run out of nutrias.’

The worst thing is that even ‘peaceful’ Russians in Russia are enjoying these crimes committed by their relatives in Ukraine.

We record all atrocities so that each occupier suffers a well-deserved punishment. And, above all, on the battlefield!