У День перемоги над нацизмом ми боремося за нову перемогу
Шлях до неї важкий, але ми не сумніваємося, що переможемо.

Фото: Стас Юрченко, Petros Giannakouris, Elena Tita, Alfredo Bosco, Herman Krieger, Katya Moskalyuk, Евгений Завгородний, Julia Kochetova, Lynsey Addario, Serhii Nuzhnenko.
On the Day of Victory over Nazism, we are fighting for a new victory. The road to it is difficult, but we have no doubt that we will win. What is our advantage over the enemy? We are smarter by one book. This is a textbook on the history of Ukraine. We would not know grief if all our enemies could read and draw the right conclusions.
Photo: Stas Yurchenko, Petros Giannakouris, Elena Tita, Alfredo Bosco, Herman Krieger, Katya Moskalyuk, Yevhen Zavgorodny, Julia Kochetova, Lynsey Addario, Serhii Nuzhnenko.